Work with me

You can schedule a call with me here.

Hi, I’m Sammy. I solve weird problems for a living. I’m currently available for work as an executive assistant and competent minion.

Patrick McKenzie has described working with me in more detail. Here are some problems I solve for clients like him:

  • “My organization is bottlenecked by my time and energy. I need to drastically increase my own productivity.”
  • “I have ~70 things I need to do, but I can’t spare the cycles to track everything in writing, so crucial tasks keep getting dropped.”
  • “I keep coming across projects that need doing, but I’m overcommitted as it is, and I don’t have anyone competent and agentic who can reliably complete weird, open-ended projects.

My typical client runs a tech or finance business, but feel free to reach out even if that’s not you.

Some past work:

  • “I need you to find buyers for my mid-six-figure entertainment company.”
  • “Here’s some info on my biotech startup—find us a physical location that we can use to scale up manufacturing.”
  • “Fly to NYC to investigate the physical reality of a news story, then figure out our next steps.”

I also ran a group house when I was 16, which certainly implies something about my risk tolerance and operational competence.


I tend to overcommit and let myself get prioritized by my inbox rather than by my strategic goals. Sammy is the external executive function that I sometimes lack. We’re still early in our working relationship, but I gave him a hard, underscoped trial project that had been painfully unsolved for a year, and he achieved total success in three weeks.

Patrick McKenzie (patio11) (and he also wrote the aforementioned thread)

Working with Sammy makes me a lot more productive than I am on my own, and is helping to get me unstuck from a long period of creative block in which I wasn’t able to produce much output. I have a lot of different ongoing projects, and having someone to keep on top of the admin and logistics frees me up to do more of what I’m good at.

Rob Miles

If you’re interested, email me at hath@[this site]. Typically, I’ll start with a chat about your business and whether we might be a mutual fit, and then (for longer-term engagements) do a work trial. While I’m often in the Bay Area, I’m open to both in-person and remote work. Or, just schedule a call with me.